Two Major Eye Ailments Connected to Smoking


Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Smokers are 2 times more likely to develop AMD according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services1. However, they may not even know it. AMD often has no symptoms in its early stages and could be developing without being noticed. When symptoms do occur, they could include blurred vision or a need for more light than normal to complete tasks. An eye exam is the best way to spot AMD, but quitting smoking is one of the best ways to prevent it. To learn more about AMD, download this AMD guide created by the National Eye Institute.


According to the National Eye Institute, smokers are 2-3 times more likely to develop cataracts2. That’s right, smoking can triple your chances of getting cataracts. Cataracts often cause blurry vision, but can lead to more serious vision loss in some cases. There are many treatments for cataracts, including surgery, but if you’re a smoker, just quitting can have a huge impact on avoiding them altogether.

Eyecare is Healthcare – It’s All Connected

The human body is a marvel and healthcare should always be looked at comprehensively. This year, as we celebrate the Great American Smokeout and all of the wonderful impacts that quitting smoking can have on the lungs and heart – don’t forget your eyes!

  1. Center for Disease Control. Vision Loss, Blindness and Smoking
  2. National Eye Institute. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Data and Statistics